EDI's Computer Controlled Depth Sounder Test Set |
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Made to work equally well in the engineering lab or on the production line, the DSTS-5A/2 is a great aid for designing depth sounders and will also efficiently test them as part of the production process. Controlled via the RS-232 interface and having no external controls, the DSTS-5A/2 is ideal for final test of depth sounders after manufacture. Integration into an existing automated test setup is simple because the DSTS-5A/2 responds in the same way as a DSTS-4A with the EAB-3 option installed.
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The included Windows program gets you up and running quickly. Use the sliders to set the depth, amplitude, frequency and width of the reply pulse. The input pulse parameters from the depth sounder are displayed on one line and the reply pulse burst parameters are displayed on the next line. Sliders control the frequency, width, depth, and amplitude of the reply echo. As shown in the screen shot below, the depth sounder under test is generating a pulse burst with a frequency of 199.99 KHz, a width of 125 uS, a period of 90 mS and the amplitude is 669 volt peak-to-peak. The reply echo generated by the DSTS-5A/2 has a frequency of 199.99 KHz, a width of 150 uS, a depth of 25 feet and the amplitude is 50 millivolts RMS. Note that the Auto box is checked for both frequency and width. The Auto-frequency mode makes the DSTS-5A/2 reply at the same frequency as the depth sounders output pulse burst. The Auto-width mode tracks the input width on a pulse-to-pulse basis and adds 20% pulse stretch. The default mode of operation is to have both Auto boxes checked so a realistic echo is generated. Some depth sounders will not operate correctly unless the Auto-width mode is checked. These sounders transmit a varying pulse width and check the received pulse width in order to reject noise.
For more complex tests, such as a depth sounders ability to see a fish just above the bottom, a terminal program must be used. A simple terminal program is included with the DSTS-5A/2.
By typing simple commands such as “D1234”, the depth of the fish echo can be set. Additional commands set the amplitude, width, and duration of the fish echo. The duration of the fish echo is set for the number of times the DSTS-5A/2 will generate or not generate a fish echo after the depth sounder transmits. See the command list below for more information.
Command List of the DSTS-5A/2
Parameter | Range | Resolution | Accuracy |
Input frequency | 2.0 to 1200 KHz1 | 10 Hz | ± .02% ±20 Hz 2 |
Input width | 103 to 20,000 uS | 0.1 uS | ± .02% ±2 cycles |
Input period | 10 to 9999 mS | 1 mS | ± .02% ±1 mS |
Input voltage | 50 to 2500 Vp-p | 2 Vp-p | ± 10% Vp-p ±5%4 |
Min input level | 505 Vp-p | N/A | ± 10 Vp-p |
Output frequency | 2.0 to 2000 KHz | 10 Hz | ± .01% |
Output width | 10 to 20,000 uS | 0.1 uS | ± .02% |
Echo depth | 1 to 100,000 ft/mt/fa | 0.1 unit | ± .01% |
Output level | 2 to 50,000 uV | 0.3 dB |
± 1.0 dB 6 |
Vprop ft, fm | 4800 to 5000 f/s | 1 f/s |
± .01% |
Vprop mtrs | 1460 to 1530 m/s | 1 m/s |
± .01% |
jitter: Less than 50 nSec maximum at 1 second depth delay. |
rate: 9600, 8 bits, no parity, no handshake |
Power requirements: 9 Vdc @ 200 mA | |||
Size and Weight: 6" W by 7"D by 3.5"H. Shipping Wt. 2.1 Lbs. | |||
INFORMATION Unit will be repaired free of charge for one year from date of purchase providing there is no water damage or other evidence of improper use or handling. Purchaser must ship unit prepaid to address below; EDI will pay the return freight. For repair, please enclose a note describing the problem and ship to: ATTN: Service Department BBG Incorporated 1708 South Park Court Chesapeake, VA 23320 USA Phone: 1-757-366-9211 |
Please E-Mail edisales@bbginc.com or telephone (757) 366-9211 (within the USA) for more information on EDI's product design services.
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Devices, Inc.
1708 South Park Court, Chesapeake, VA 23320. Phone (757) 366-9211 |
Cat DSTS-5A01/98